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Junia Arise: Apostolic Women on the Frontlines
By Apostolic Women on the Frontlines

 $25.00 (includes shipping)


Junia the Apostle. Junia Arise: Apostolic Women on the Frontlines is an anthology of 48 writers who have collaborated together with Apostle Axel Sippach to contribute a chapter each, highlighting an amazing woman in Scripture or church history that did tremendous things for God’s Kingdom in spite of challenges, including the challenge of being a woman called, chosen, and anointed of God. This book will inspire, empower, and motivate you to be and do all God has called you to. 

THE LOVE WALK: "Loving By God's Design"
By Alandis Renee Porter

 Paperback - $7.99  pre-sale price

Real love will cause you to share more than you ever have. Give more than you ever planned. Tell the truth, even when lying is convenient. Look past ones wrong and see what's right.

Love will allow you to cover someone's secrets when they have exposed yours. Love can do this because it can withstand it all and continue.

For love is God and God is Love.  Please share the love you've been given.



Speak To The Mountains!
The Anthology

By Alandis Renee Porter

 Paperback - $25.00 (include shipping)

I am proud to release my latest book the first Apostolic-Prophetic Anthology on the seven mountains mandate. I am Mastering the religious mountain through in my chapter on "Spiritual Sonship." This book, Speak To The Mountains!, is an anthology with over 30 writers contributing a sub-chapter each, covering a specific aspect of one of the seven mountains of influence along with mountain moving prayers and declarations. 


You will be empowered and inspired to master your mountain for the advancement of the Kingdom of God!


A  Trophy of His Grace 
By Alandis Renee Porter

Paperback - $11.99


In life, there will be high and lows, failures and disappointments. There will be good times and bad times. There will be so many different seasons of joy and there will be very low seasons of wilderness.


However, through it all, you will have an eternal cheering section in the audience of one! Join Author Alandis Porter as she takes you on her personal journey with God to become A Trophy of His Grace!

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@2017 Kingdom Advancement Global Ministries 

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