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Membership Requirements

This document provides the requirements that must be fulfilled for a minister to be considered for membership approval in Kingdom Advancers Global Network (KAGN). As our name states, we are a NETWORK and not a denomination. These requirements are set forth for upholding the standards and integrity of KAGN.


KAGN has four areas of membership: To be considered for ordination in KAGN you must be a member of the network for a minimum of six months.


General Membership ($100.00 Annual Fee):  

Available to a minister that currently holds ordination credentials with another organization or denomination and is applying for membership to come under the covering of KAGN. (FAST TRACK CREDENTIALING) available to those who have proven ministry experience ready for elevation.     


License Membership ($150.00 one-time licensing fee, plus $100.00 annual fee): 
Available to a minister who is in part-time ministry and whose ministerial calling and gifts are formally recognized by the Kingdom Advancers Global Network. *This is for ministers.


Ordination Membership ( $150.00 one-time ordination fee, plus $100.00 annual fee):

Available to a minister who is currently in full-time ministry, has not received his/her credentials and desires to apply for ordination through Kingdom Advancers Global Network. A full-time minister is deemed as one who makes his/her live solely through working in ministry.  


​Business Network Connects:

 Available to marketplace ministers. We will provide resources and connections to you on a continual basis as the network expands. $45.00 monthly fee *can be canceled at any time.




Membership Requirements

  • Completed and signed application

  • Passport-sized photo of the applicant

  • Provide the following recommendations


Ministry Recommendation*

1. To be completed by your pastor or a credentialed minister who has known you for three or more years.

2. Personal Recommendation*: - 1: To be completed by a friend or acquaintance who has known you

    for three or more years.                                                                                            

3. Business Recommendation*- 2: To be completed by colleague and client with a consistent history

     with the applicant.


  • Signed Statement of Ethical Conduct

  • Ministry Statement

  • Copy of current Ordination or License Certificate, if applicable


Applicable Payment, as outlined above, due only after acceptance

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@2017 Kingdom Advancement Global Ministries 

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